all postcodes in W1F / LONDON

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Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1F 7JF 6 6 51.514029 -0.139256
W1F 7PA 4 4 51.513252 -0.140181
W1F 7AE 1 0 51.513564 -0.136551
W1F 7AF 4 4 51.513628 -0.136678
W1F 7AG 1 0 51.513477 -0.136742
W1F 7AL 4 4 51.513383 -0.137092
W1F 7AN 2 2 51.513438 -0.137681
W1F 7BB 2 2 51.514266 -0.138295
W1F 7BG 1 0 51.514599 -0.137215
W1F 7BH 1 1 51.513739 -0.139657
W1F 7BJ 1 0 51.510503 -0.135235
W1F 7BL 1 0 51.510421 -0.135137
W1F 7BN 1 1 51.510458 -0.135208
W1F 7BQ 1 1 51.514575 -0.141381
W1F 7BS 1 0 51.513073 -0.139065
W1F 7BT 1 1 51.513083 -0.139122
W1F 7BU 1 0 51.513031 -0.139142
W1F 7BW 1 1 51.510604 -0.135332
W1F 7BX 1 0 51.51303 -0.139167
W1F 7DA 1 1 51.513212 -0.138742